On May 24th Camp ASCCA received a generous gift! Harold W. & Tricia Lewis donated their beloved Sea Ray boat that they had updated a year ago. Their family had years of enjoyment with the boat and now that the children and grandchildren are moving on, they were ready to bless someone else with the experiences. We appreciate their charitable way of thinking and helping our mission of serving people with disabilities in an accessible recreation environment. It is people like the Lewises that allow us to continue year after year!
Harold and Tricia live in Florence, Alabama and Harold made the long drive down this week. As a member of Rotary International District 6860, he wanted to highlight that Rotarians can support Camp ASCCA in a variety of ways. Whether it is an in-kind, monetary, or volunteer time gift, it is important that Rotarians, and all people through their lifetime, be philanthropic.

Harold is the 2021-2022 Past District Governor for Rotary District 6860 and continues to be involved in important leadership positions. He serves on the District Nominations, District Leadership Team, District Finance, and Club Visioning Committees. Also impressively, he has been President of the Florence Rotary Club as well as serving as a past Assistant Governor. He is also a member of the Paul Harris Society and Fellow programs. If anyone has something going on in the community, Harold and his wife are usually involved! Thank you both!
*Camp Director Matt Rickman and Director of Marketing Dana Rickman are shown With Harold Lewis and his boat. Dana is also a Rotarian and is excited to have fellow Rotarian’s participation in supporting Camp ASCCA.*