Camp ASCCA Staff Reunion

Staff alumni returned home to Camp ASCCA this afternoon! We were really glad to see them and the campers welcomed them by making signs in Arts & Crafts to place on their dinner tables.

The staff alumni and family were welcomed into camp to enjoy campers’ company and watch them at their activities just like old times! It was a chance to not only relive memories but to see the change and growth of Camp ASCCA.

I had the pleasure of listening to some stories about campers as early as 1986, some of which that still come to Camp ASCCA and I had the pleasure meeting this summer! It’s inspiring to know how much camp really means to these campers and the alumni. One of the alumni even has a daughter that’s a counselor here this summer!

Thanks for coming out today and check back to watch a video on the reunion next week!

Erica Loyd
Session Six

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