Camp ASCCA, the Hardest Goodbye Yet

It seems like just yesterday I was leaving my apartment to head to Camp ASCCA for the first time. I will be honest, I was a little bit nervous but was excited to see what this summer had in store for me. Looking back now I never imagined how much this Camp would have impacted my life or the relationships I would make not only with the staff but the campers as well.

On May 29th as I pulled up to the gates of Camp ASCCA, I knew it was a special place. It was so isolated from everything else almost a place where someone goes to escape reality, and Camp ASCCA is just that. Camp is the place where anyone can come and not be judged by anyone for anything. It is a place where everyone is accepted for who they are as a person.

Being a PR intern, I have had the privilege of seeing everyone. Sometimes I feel that it would be nice to have that camper to counselor relationship, but then I remember why my job is so special. Being a PR Intern I get to capture the moments that a camper is having at Camp, and by capturing that moment, I give that camper the ability to remember that moment forever.

Working with people with disabilities has been the most life changing experience in my entire life, and it has taught me more about myself than any other experience. It has taught me more about love, patience, kindness, and above all, to see someone based on their abilities and not their disabilities.

Before leaving Camp ASCCA today I would like to thank the entire Camp ASCCA staff, especially my boss Kasey, for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime. I would also like to thank my partners in crime, Clayton and Lauryn for being the best people who I have ever worked with. Finally, I would like to thank the program staff for being my first Camp friends.

Until next time Camp ASCCA.

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