Today during our backwards day, we had the talent show first thing in the morning! After breakfast, campers and all of the staff headed to the Outpost to see what kind of talents campers in session 5 had. This is the talent show with the most participation and the most acts. There were about 70 campers signed up for this talent show.
Campers look forward to the talent show since they step foot on Camp ASCCA property! Love notes are written throughout the week to the people campers want to join them on stage for their act. Campers contemplate throughout the begining of the week what song they’re going to perform to.
The talent show began at 9 a.m. and ended right at 12 p.m. There were campers that danced to YMCA and sang to songs from the movie High School Musical. There was also a camper, Mr. Freddie, that played a harmonica to the tune of the camp goodnight song! Campers cheered on their friends on stage and danced along with them out in the crowd.
Some campers pulled their favorite staff on stage to perform with them or pulled a camper best friend. The talent show was fun to participate in and watch! The crowd was pumped throughout the entire talent show. There was shaved ice and snacks for the campers to enjoy throughout the show.

The talent show was extremely entertaining and everyone had a blast! This was the longest talent show we’ve had all summer but campers enjoyed performing and watching. To see more pictures from the event, visit our Flickr album for this week!
Karla Silva, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 5