Camp ASCCA’s Got Talent

By Megan Wright
Session 1

If anyone ever questioned if our campers this week were awesome and super talented, they should have no doubts after tonight. Not only did a lot of kids participate in the talent show, but we also had a lot of different kinds of acts. Tonight we saw singers, dancers, a gymnastics act, a yoga act, and a few guitar players bring down the house act after act.

The man of the hour? Justin Bieber. He was not in attendance (though he should have been!), but three performers chose one of his songs to sing. One camper sang and danced to “Baby” to get the party started, another camper chose to sing “Boyfriend” to ask a pretty girl to the dance, and then we heard “Baby” again as a camper serenaded her boyfriend of 3 years in front of the whole camp.

It was a great night and we’re so proud of our brave performers and awesome audience members. To see more of how great the week is going, see the added content on our Flickr!

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