Camp ASCCA’s Valentine’s Dinner and Dance

Whether you say el amor, amour, ai shiteimasu, ti amo, liebe or love; the holiday for all things romantic is Valentine’s Day.

“The origins of Valentine’s Day trace back to the ancient Roman celebration of Lupercalia. Held on February 15, Lupercalia honored the gods Lupercus and Faunus, as well as the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. In addition to a bountiful feast, Lupercalia festivities are purported to have included the pairing of young women and men. Men would draw women’s names from a box, and each couple would be paired until next year’s celebration.

While this pairing of couples set the tone for today’s holiday, it wasn’t called “Valentine’s Day” until a priest named Valentine came along. Valentine, a romantic at heart, disobeyed Emperor Claudius II’s decree that soldiers remain bachelors.

Claudius handed down this decree believing that soldiers would be distracted and unable to concentrate on fighting if they were married or engaged. Valentine defied the emperor and secretly performed marriage ceremonies. As a result of his defiance, Valentine was put to death on February 14. After Valentine’s death, he was named a saint. As Christianity spread through Rome, the priests moved Lupercalia from February 15 to February 14 and renamed it St. Valentine’s Day to honor Saint Valentine.(”

We will be holding our annual Ina Watson Memorial Valentine’s Dinner and Dance on February 13th. The evening includes a steak dinner sponsored by Piggly Wiggly of Dadeville, a live band, and non-stop fun. All proceeds go to camperships that enable campers in need of financial assistance to attend summer camp.

We are in need of help finding auction items for our silent auction held during the evening. Items can inclue artwork, gift items, sports memorabilia, vacation packages, jewelry, and other wonderful items.

If you need more information, please contact Dana Rickman ( Thank you and Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

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