Camp Disney Recap

It may have rained for most of the week, but that didn’t stop campers from having fun during Session Four last week! Camp ASCCA was transformed into Camp Disney, which was the theme for last week, and campers were glad to enjoy the wonderful world.

Session Four began with two kick-off events. Some campers decided to chill in the pool and splash around. Others went to the dining hall, where they enjoyed the viewing of Monsters, Inc and made artwork (e.g., coloring, masks, and drawings).

Thourought the week, campers hopped on chances to enjoy many of the attractions such as putt-putt, swimming pool, watersilde, and zipline. There were also a few special events that program staff put together for campers. For instance, some signed for the talent show last Monday and showchased their amazing abilities. Then the next night, campers and counselors were treated to a movie night. On Wednesday, they roamed around camp and completed quests during the Disney Dash. It was also where program staff got to dress up as Disney characters (e.g., Jessie, Boo, and Robin Hood) and provided fun missions for campers to complete.

Even on rainy afternoons, people still found ways to enjoy camp. On last Tuesday during a thunderstorm, for instance, cabins competed against each other at the Camp ASCCA games. They played games such as pool, tic-tac toe, Disney trivia, a zany version of ping-pong, and bullseye bowling. Afterwards, they continued the rainy day fun with singing in the Camp ASCCA Idol. In additional, there were times during rainy days where the pavilion became a fun house! Campers, counselors, and staff members enjoyed playing basketball, kicking the soccer ball, and hitting volleyballs on the gym floor. Some went inside the game room, where they got to play the Wii, pool, and ping-pong.

The week ended with Push America, the philantrophy wing of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, hanging out with campers for the last three days of camp. They joined in on activities and played along with campers during those times. Push America representatives also ate with the Camp ASCCA Family. But the most exicting time part was the dance on Thursday night. Everyone, including those from Push America, danced on to Disney tunes and latest hits.

Pictures from Session Four are uploaded to Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page. See how much fun campers had last week and share the joy (or pictures) with others.

T.J. Gordon
Session 4

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