Camp Friends to Life Long Partners

Camp ASCCA has always been a magical place where friendships blossom and memories are made. For Christina Brown and Chase Curenton, it became the backdrop of a love story that would span nearly a decade. Their journey together is a testament to the power of connection and unbreakable bonds formed in the most unexpected places. Christina and Chase first met at Camp ASCCA in 2015. From the start, their friendship was something special. Christina, who was crowned prom queen in 2016, was known for her infectious smile and kind heart. Chase, equally loved by all, was her perfect match in every way. Their love for those around them and mutual respect quickly made them icons among the Camp community, admired by campers and staff.

Fast forward to 2021, and their friendship had blossomed into something deeper, they began dating and seeing each other outside of Camp. This past January, Chase proposed, and Christina said yes, marking the start of a new chapter in their love story. Their wedding is set for November, and their entire Camp family is eagerly anticipating the celebration of these beautiful people. Christina and Chase will be the first campers to get married who met here at ASCCA, making their story even more special.

Both Christina and Chase face unique challenges, but their unwavering support for each other has been a cornerstone of their relationship. Christina is one of only two people in Alabama diagnosed with Friedreich’s ataxia, a rare genetic disorder that affects muscle coordination and movement. Chase, who has Cerebral Palsy, understands the difficulties that can come with the battles they face. Despite these challenges they have become each other’s best friends. Their determination and positivity never fail to inspire everyone around them.

This week, Christina and Chase were honored as the best male and female campers of the week, a testament to their ongoing contributions and the love they spread within the Camp community. Their story is a beautiful reminder that love knows no bounds and that the connections we make in life, especially in places like Camp ASCCA, can lead to lifelong partnerships. Christina and Chase’s journey from camp friends to life partners is a testament to the enduring power of love, friendship, and community. As they prepare to exchange vows this November, their story continues to inspire and bring joy to all who know them.

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