Camp Frog 2017

On Friday, families arrived for the Autism Society of Alabama’s Camp Frog event. Each year, the organization offers a weekend for “children on the autism spectrum to enjoy traditional camp activities in a supportive environment with their families.” The event is held each year at Camp ASCCA, and the ASCCA staff designs each activity to be sensory-friendly for the campers and their families. There were many familiar faces in attendance this year as well as a few new families who have been looking for something to fit their needs.

After dinner on Friday, the families had the opportunity to enjoy a scavenger hunt across the ASCCA campus and later enjoyed a campfire. Families eventually headed to their cabins to get a good night’s rest for the adventures to come. The schedule for the weekend was made up of activity rotations at the zip line, pool, waterslide, and putt-putt. After Saturday’s breakfast, the families immediately joined their groups and jumped into the activities for the morning.

The families completed all four programs by Saturday afternoon, and they later had the opportunity to enjoy a few free choice activities with the ASCCA staff before dinner. A visit to Camp ASCCA would not be the same without a talent show, and this year’s Camp Frog participants got to experience their first talent show at Camp ASCCA’s OutPost. It was an evening to remember, and the fun did not stop there. Before families headed home on Sunday, they had the opportunity to enjoy a few morning free choice activities.

We look forward to this weekend each year because it is a great opportunity for families to see exactly what it is we offer here for their children and for them to have an experience of a lifetime together. The memories made at each activity this year were unforgettable, and many parents couldn’t help but to share them on social media. You can also keep up with all things Camp ASCCA by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

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