Camper of the Year 2022: MJ Arnold

At the end of each summer, Camp ASCCA staff takes a vote on which camper they thought had made the best impression for the entire summer. Once Camp staff takes a vote, one camper from the whole summer gets awarded a very honorable award: Camper of the Year. Last year, we had a special camper who brought his best foot forward upon arriving to Camp. Our 2022 Camper of the Year is MJ Arnold!

MJ proudly receives his award from Camp Director Matt Rickman.

MJ is a very special recipient because he has never been to Camp prior to earning this award! MJ’s first ever summer at Camp ASCCA was in 2022. He made sure to try every program he went to, he participated in all Camp activities, and most of all he never failed to put a smile on the face of anyone he came in contact with. When it came time to decide on Camper of the Year, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that MJ would not win this award!

MJ has the best time no matter what he is doing!

Typically, Camp staff presents this award to the Camper of the Year during a non-summer program. Because MJ has not been back to Camp since last summer, he received this award Monday night after dinner. We are so proud of MJ for bringing his best self to his very first experience at Camp ASCCA.

We are absolutely elated to have MJ back at Camp for Summer 2023! To see more pictures of MJ, click here.

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