Campers Have Arrived!

We are very excited to welcome Session 2 Campers to a week of fun times and new friendships. Campers are currently settling into their cabins and getting to know their counselors and cabin-mates.

For many in this group, this is not their first time at camp. Some have been joining us now for 5, 10, or even 15 years! We are so pleased that so many return each year and bring more campers with them.

This evening, campers will either have a blast at a pool party or play a special game called ASCCA Feud (A spin on Family Feud). We are looking forward to an excellent evening and a fantastic week ahead!

You can find more photos from check-in and Sunday evening fun on Flickr.

Over and out!

Lauren Schifano, PR

Session 2: 2015


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