Cargo Net

Today was an exceptionally awesome day at Camp ASCCA. I recieved my first love note today and it was very heartwarming. I also got the opportunity to interview one of the campers in my cabin today and had the privilege of watching a camper go tubing for the first time.
It rained today so a lot of activities were rained out. Because of this I had the chance to climb the cargo net for the first time, which I must tell you requires a lot of arm muscle and is very difficult. After dinner we all went to the talent show, which was super amazing! All the talents were spectacular. One talent in particular though stuck out to me. Jeanie, one of my new friends, sang a song to my sister that made me tear up 🙂 It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. After that Jeanie, Melanie (sister), and myself all sang the Auburn Fight Song together which made camp seem like home. This has probably been my favorite day from Camp ASCCA because it was full of so many wonderful memories. I will cherish this day forever. WAR EAGLE!

Elizabeth Bradsher
session 2

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