Cargo Net Champion

By Megan Wright
Session 4

It’s not every day that we open our high ropes course at Camp ASCCA, but today for free choice we opened a section of it: the cargo net. The few times that adventure staff opens this as an option, not many campers have taken the challenge. Today, however, we had a taker! One camper came out with his counselor to give it a try.

Though the climb was a grueling one, he made it to the top and rang the victory bell in just a few minutes. The most impressive part of this was that he didn’t even stop to take a rest. Most campers need to take a minute to rest on the net and enjoy the view of Lake Martin before conquering the cargo net, but this camper wasted no time getting to the top.

When he came down, he kept saying how proud of himself he was. Though he was scared and a little tired, he kept going. “That was the best thing I’ve done at camp,” he said. He’s proud of himself, and we’re proud of him.

To see pictures from today and the rest of the week, check our Flickr!

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