Brody: Tell them I’m going Fishing!“
This afternoon we were “casting” for Camp ASCCA’s (pretend) production of JAWS at the fishing pond. This production was under the direction of our very own Program Staff, Gwin Walker.

We caught a few big ones but nothing near the size of what we think is lurking in the waters of the fishing pond…dunn dunn…duuuunnnn dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn dunnnn!!!!

Thank you to all of our campers that came out and audition to be casted in our (pretend) production of JAWS. We will let “your people” know if you have a call back or not, in the mean time enjoy the rest of the week here at Camp ASCCA.
It’s Movie Madness week so don’t be discouraged if you don’t make this particular “casting” call there will be others throughout the week.
To see this afternoons “casting” pictures and pictures from all of this weeks Movie Madness adventures click on this link to Flickr.
Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Session 7