Chapel at Wilcox Academy

Monday, February 1st, was a very special day for me because I was invited to speak in my hometown of Camden! Plus, I spoke in the gymnasium where my high school graduation ceremony took place in 1989. It’s hard to believe that it has been 27 years since I graduated from Wilcox Academy. It was great to be back home.

Camden is a very small town. So, of course I already knew the sweet young lady who invited me to speak for the WA chapel, Miss Laura Thompson. Along with Laura, I also knew most everyone in attendance … or their parents!

The gym was packed with the entire WA student body from the first graders to the seniors. My favorite part when speaking with students is always question/answer time and WA did not disappoint! The students were very inquisitive and several showed interest in working with Camp ASCCA as a counselor in the future.

I am available to speak for any club or group interested in Camp ASCCA and my presentations can be tailored to your specific needs. For more information, please email:

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