Civitan Work Day 2013

We had a group of special volunteers during Fun Fish Weekend 2013. A group of Alabama Central District Civitans gathered at Camp ASCCA on March 23, 2013 to “see the campers off for a fun day of fishing” then they got to work!

The group landscaped and cleaned up many areas at Camp. Many flower beds are cleaned and refreshed, and the playground now has a new ground layer.

The group didn’t stop there. They provided the t-shirts for Fun Fish Weekend and also presented a contribution to staff member Lyle Coutts for Camp ASCCA.

Camp ASCCA has a very long relationship with Alabama Civitans. The group annually supported our Dadeville Camps (formerly known as Camp Civitan) up until its closing after the 2011 tornado. Because groups like the Civitans know and appreciate the Camp ASCCA mission of serving children and adults with disabilities, they continue to support our needs each year! Many camperships and projects, like Fun Fish Weekend and their annual clean up day, are supported by clubs and individual Civitans.

See more pictures here on our Flickr page!

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