The Camp ASCCA staff and board of directors continuously look for opportunities to better our program and facilities. Through the support of civic groups, private foundations, and individuals, Camp ASCCA has completed over $700,000 in improvements in the past five years. We have now identified the construction of a Parent Campground as our next large capital project.
The average age for a child without a disability to first attend a “sleep away” camp is 7-9 years old. The average age for a child with a developmental disability to first attend Camp ASCCA is 17-19 years old. The vast majority of our first-time campers are spending the first ever night away from home when they begin attending Camp ASCCA
The number one reason that parents state for the delay in sending their child to camp is that the parents are not comfortable with the actual physical distance that they will be away from their child. Lodging options that are within a 30-minute to 1-hour drive are considered “too far away.”
Camp ASCCA has targeted a 5-acre portion of our property that is a two-minute drive. The site is all lakefront and is privately secluded from the developed program areas of the Camp ASCCA property.
We plan to construct five approximately 600 sq. ft. cabins, a 1,200 sq. ft. community-use pavilion with a bathhouse, and 2-4 RV sites.
We believe that the development of this project will allow families, both parents and child, the opportunity to begin to experience the benefits of Camp ASCCA at an early age.