Cooking Up Fun

This afternoon during free choice, campers had the option of cooking class. This was a unique option for the week, and definitely a popular one among campers! As campers came to the dining hall for this activity, they were greeted by program staff members Abbie and Mills, along with a long table of goodies.

Each camper was given bags and the freedom to make their very own trail mix! They had options from two types of M&M’s to veggie straws. Each camper’s mix came out as one of a kind snacks! After everyone finished mixing, they all got to enjoy their trail mix together!

The cooking class was a fun way for campers to beat the heat while they enjoyed a delicious snack they made themselves! Overall, the first cooking class of the summer was a huge success. We cannot wait to cook up some more fun all summer long!

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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