Coosa Central Schools Day Camp 2018

During the day on May 4th, students, teachers and parents from Coosa Central Schools visited Camp for a day of fun with students from the special education programs. Aquatics Specialist Heather Chumney designed a schedule full of opportunities to enjoy the ASCCA campus by water, on land and in the air. The weather was perfect and the students arrived with the greatest energy as many of them have been to Camp before.


The students were split into three groups with their specific teachers. They then rotated between three ASCCA programs at the splash pad, zip-line and boat rides. It was a perfect combination of activities because it was a very warm day in Jackson’s Gap, so everyone was looking forward to cooling off at the splash pad, soaking in a nice breeze at boat rides and lounging in the shade of the towering trees at the zip-line.


Field trips at ASCCA are often full of fun and unforgettable memories and the visit from Coosa Central students was no different. Take a look at a few more moments from their visit here.

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