Counselor of the Week Session 2

Last week was awesome for all of the staff and campers, and one counselor went above and beyond her duties to win counselor of the week. That counselor is Callie, who is a first year counselor at Camp ASCCA.
Callie is a senior at the University of Alabama and her major is special education. Callie found out about camp through a friend who used to work as a counselor and also from one of camp’s program specialists Aubrie. Aubrie went to visit one of Callie’s classes to talk about camp.
Callie wanted to work at Camp ASCCA because she has a passion for people with disabilities and she likes to have fun.
“It’s the most awesome place ever,” Callie said.
Some of her favorite things about camp are seeing the joy on campers’ faces, chicken fingers and the waterslide. Callie also loves her cabin and says it is the best at camp.
So far Callie has learned a lot but most importantly is that no matter what love is what matters.
“This has been the best summer of my life and the campers have taught me so much about myself,” Callie said.
To see more pictures of Callie and all the other staff at Camp ASCCA check Facebook and Flickr!

Rachel Session 3 2013

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