Counselor Scavenger Hunt

To cap off Orientation Week, the ASCCA staff was sent on a camp themed scavenger hunt. Each team was given a diverse list of items to find. I, for one, partook in the hunt, joining the team of Choctaw/Crow. We set off on a journey across the giant locale to find 20 listed objects.

Our team searched the entire area of Camp ASCCA, looking high and low for all 20 items. The list ranged from the simple (a feather, a leaf) to the obscure (a red putter, a blue chaco). The team even had to take selfies at certain locales, such as near the ASCCA logo or with a farm animal. In the end, we managed to round up 19 out of 20 listed items.

For our reward, the staff was treated to a fun evening of tasty treats and games of volleyball/frisbee. Not a bad way to reward the staff for their weeks worth of preparation.

– Clayton Smith, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Orientation Week 2015

Be sure to check Flickr for all of this week’s photos!

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