Counselors Learn Canoe Safety

Safety is highly emphasized here at Camp ASCCA. In order to make sure campers have the best experience while they are here, program staff trains counselors in proper safety of each activity.

Today counselors got to experience canoe safety and how to properly transport a camper from a wheelchair into a canoe. Counselors also learned paddling techniques such as how to steer left or right and how to stop the canoe.

Whether counselors are first timers or returnees, all appreciate the extra practice to make sure they are at the top of their game when campers arrive. Counselors volunteered to act as campers while other counselors paired up and practiced lifting the camper into the canoe. Practice went smoothly and counselors are ready for the campers’ arrival!

Click here to view some pictures of today’s transfer training and more from orientation week!

By Erica Loyd

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