Dadeville Kindergartners Visit Camp ASCCA

On Tuesday, we were joined by five classes of kindergartners from Dadeville Elementary School who were looking forward to the best field trip of the year. The activities on the schedule for the day included splash pad, waterslide, panning for gold and shaved ice, a Dunn Center tour, and putt-putt. Teachers, students, and parents arrived at Camp by 9:00 a.m. and spent the entire day having fun in the sun. Some of the activities were shadier than others, but the ASCCA staff made sure to have everyone apply sunscreen and drink plenty of water as the days are warming up heading into summer.

Splash pad and waterslide were the usual popular hits as students were looking for a way to cool off and have fun doing it. However, one of the most exciting activities of the day was the newest panning for gold activity located behind Marc Roberts Lodge. Students and parents were ready to find their gems, so that they could win a shaved ice treat.

Putt-putt was the “do-it-yourself” activity of the day as students and teachers grabbed their own putters and golf balls and trekked around the nine-hole course several times. At the Dunn Center, students were partnered together to tour the exhibit and pick out their favorite animals, and they later sat with their class to share each of their chosen animals and why they liked it so much.

Every direction you looked, there were smiles on every face and a slight look of exhaustion after a day of so much fun. We had the best time with the kindergarten classes from Dadeville and look forward to future adventures with the school!

Check out more moments from the Dadeville Elementary School field trip on our Flickr page.

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