Day Camps with Drake

Drake Middle School recently visited Camp ASCCA for a series of Day Camps for their 6th grade students. Drake has been visiting camp for several years now participating in Environmental and Outdoor Education Camps. This year they enjoyed activities like our Zip Line, Group Elements, Water Slide, Canoeing, GPS, and Environmental Center Nature Jeopardy. Zip Line and Group Elements improve students’ teamwork and motivational skills. Canoeing teaches the art of paddling and helps them understand how pollution affects our waterways. GPS teaches important navigational skills and introduces new technology in a fun and entertaining way. Nature Jeopardy provides students knowledge about Alabama’s natural environment and history by using our Dunn Center to host a fun and exciting game. The waterslide…well that’s just plan fun. The kids had a great time at Camp and we loved providing them with activities that would broaden their minds and encourage them to understand nature and their fellow students a little better.

To see photos from one of the days, click here!

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