Day Four Brought Us Some Friendly Competition between the Summer Staff

Day four has come to an end, and it was another busy day for this summer’s Camp ASCCA staff. We did a lot of learning yesterday, and the staff moved into the cabins that they will be living in for the remainder of the summer. Yesterday was special though, and it brought us a sense of competition in the air. Why is that? Yesterday was finally the day, it was Staff Olympics Day at Camp, and everyone was hyped about the games. Some may compare it to the actual Olympics, but personally, nothing is better than the Staff Olympics of Camp ASCCA.

It started out as some friendly trash talking throughout the day, but once dinner was over, we got into the actual games and could finally settle the trash talking. The games were split into two different categories, water sport games and field games. We started out at the ball field for some friendly competition in water balloon slingshot, where each team had to shoot water balloons at a target from a distance. Another game we competed in was team tug of war, and we also played a classic game of relay dizzy bat.

After the field games, each team was excited to prove to the other teams that the water games are where they will take advantage, or in this case, the gold. The water sport games consisted of canoe battleship, where each team made up of three people had to sink their canoe before the other team that they were competing against. While this seemed pretty easy, it took a lot of speed and upper body strength in order to win this event. After canoe battleship, we participated in a belly flop competition where each team had two members do their best belly flop, and a team of judges judge each belly flop. The final event of the games was a synchronized swim routine that every member from every team was involved.

Competition was at an all time high, but each team played fairly making the atmosphere at tonight events more friendly than anything. At the end of the day, we are all the same team serving one purpose and that is to make Camp ASCCA the best place on Earth. Congratulations to the African Fighting Minnows for winning this year’s Camp ASCCA Staff Olympics, and thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s games.

Be sure to check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for news about this week’s training session as we prepare for another great summer here at Camp ASCCA.

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