Dean Road 3rd Graders Learn at Environmental Camp

On Thursday, November 3, 2011, 3rd graders from Dean Road Elementary School in Auburn, AL visited Camp ASCCA for a day of environmental learning. This group visits Camp ASCCA each year and is provided with science, environmental education, and fun!

The 3rd graders (along with teachers and parent volunteers) were divided into five groups and rotate between five activities. The activities included were Environmental Education at the Dunn Rotary Environmental Center, wildlife games, the zip line, team building exercises, and learning about GPS systems.

In addition to providing year-round camps for people with disabilities, Camp ASCCA also provides science camps for students of all abilities throughout the year as well. Most visit in the spring and fall.

To find out more about Camp ASCCA’s environmental education programs visit or contact Geni Payne at

To see pictures from the Dean Rd. Day Camp, visit our set on Flickr here.

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