Decade Dance

Well today is Thursday and you know what that means! It’s the day of the weekly dance we have here at Camp ASCCA. This is a night that all the campers look forward to all throughout the week.

Today started out as another hot day here but that didn’t slow any of the campers down. Activites were in full swing today and everyone enjoyed their last full day of the week. After lunch, everyone headed back to their cabin for rest period. While everyone was resting in their cabins we had a thunderstorm pop up that caused afternoon activites to be canceled.

After dinner it was now time for the dance and awards. Awards were given out to best male camper, best female camper, best program staff, and best counselor. Mark Carlo won the best male camper, Jeanie McClendon won best female camper, Allie Evans won best program staff, and Shanna Thorpe won best counselor of the week. Coungratulations to all of you! This weeks dance theme was “Decade Dance”. Everyone dressed up from head to toe in the decade of their choice. We had people dressed up from the early 1900’s to the early 90’s. This was definatly a sight to see. Everyone had a blast dancing and this was definatly a week that will not be forgotten.

Hope to see everyone back next year! 🙂

-Abby Brown
Session 2

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