Demo Farm Fun

Our demo farm is an interactive rotation for campers to enjoy. Campers can feed, hold and help groom all of our animals. This year at our farm, we have everything from chickens and turkeys to a sheep, goats, donkeys, a cow and a horse. Everyone is always excited to see animals they do not get to see every day!

Today, our boy Skip needed some pampering. For free choice, campers had the option of going to the demo farm to help bathe the horse and play with the animals. Horse baths as a free choice is always a fun activity for campers to sign up for! Campers who choose to go to horse baths can experience hands-on interaction with the horse. Bathing Skip is a fun and relaxing opportunity to enjoy our demo farm with fewer people around! Today, the kids were able to shampoo, squeegee and brush the horse while enjoying popsicles!

It was great to see the campers caring for our animals on a more personal level. Everyone who participated today smiled and bonded with Skip so well, and we are always thankful to have help at the farm!

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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