Doctor Bartel Donates Wheelchairs!

Some of you may not know this, but Camp ASCCA has a Camp Doctor. Dr. Robert Bartel, of Dadeville, AL, has been the Medical Director for Camp ASCCA for many years. The Medical Director has a big job. He is available for consultation year-round for any of our campers who might need a physician while they are at Camp ASCCA. Our nurses can call Dr. Bartel to get orders, or to make an appointment for our campers. If the office is closed, Dr. Bartel will even come to camp to look after us. Dr. Bartel reviews and approves our standing orders each year, and he provides physicals for our summer staff. Dr. Bartel has never charged Camp ASCCA for any of his services as Medical Director.

Recently, “Doctor Bob” donated eight wheelchairs to Camp ASCCA. Many of our campers have trouble walking any distance and some of our summertime activities may be a quarter mile apart. At Camp ASCCA we are always happy to lend a wheelchair to our campers that need one. Our old stock of wheelchairs was getting worn out, and the expense of replacing them was high. Dr. Bartel came to our rescue with his kind donation and we are now “good to go” for another summer. If you see Dr. Bartel this summer, be sure to wave and holler, “Hi, Doctor Bob!” He is one of our ASCCA Angels.

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