For nearly 20 years, Danny Hutcherson has provided pest control services for Camp ASCCA. He is with J&J Pest Away, and according to their website, “Since 1990, Danny has successfully eradicated pests in homes and businesses all over Central Alabama. Through the years, he has become a well-known name in the pest control industry due to his hard work, kindness, and experience. Danny has always wanted to help folks, and pest control has always been a way to do just that.”

Not only is he helping people through his work, he also helps Camp ASCCA by donating monthly to our Campership Fund. His years of generosity have added up to over $21,000 and many exciting opportunities for campers with disabilities to enjoy camping fun!
Join us in thanking Danny, and his wife Edwina, for their amazing support for all that Camp ASCCA is. It’s because of kind people like Danny that we’re able to succeed every year. And if you’re visiting ASCCA and see him walking around, please tell him hello!