The Charles & Isabel Hall Foundation began about 2001. Charles and Isabel lived most of their lives in Cincinnati, so much of its giving was in the Cincinnati region. Isabel grew up in rural southeastern Ohio. Isabel’s father was the pastor of five churches in this region, and the influence of her father’s ministry and life of service. Her mother’s hospitality and generosity, profoundly affected Isabel throughout her life. Isabel got her degree in fine arts from Ohio University and taught music in the public schools for many years. She loved this work, and her passion for education and music influenced the lives of countless students and families and led to many lifelong friendships with former students and their families.
Charles Hall married Isabel in 1953. He enjoyed boating, fishing, and traveling and spent much time teaching others these skills. He also worked hard, and he and Isabel always shared their resources with others. Charles and Isabel shared their home building in Cincinnati for many years with a family with disabilities. They respected people who took care of others and added to the world in meaningful ways.
Camp ASCCA was an early recipient of funds from the Hall Foundation. In 2000, Isabel and Charles gave funds to Camp ASCCA for an upgraded kitchen. They also gave funds for endowed camperships in memory of Griff Alexander and in honor of Michael Hall. From 2001-2015, additional funds were sent for camperships and for new floors, table and chairs at the camp facilities.
By 2016, the Hall Foundation decided to develop a formal mission statement, bylaws, and a Board of Directors that included several family members, including Dr. Mike Hall, a Camp ASCCA Board Member and professor. The goal of the Foundation is to continue to give to those types of organizations and causes that Isabel and Charles supported during their lifetimes.

Since 2016, the Hall Foundation has contributed $115,000. This amount includes $30,000 for Camp ASCCA’s COVID-19 preparation and readiness, as well as an annual gift to sponsor the yearly “Hall Foundation Camp” held in May of each year. This camp sponsors campers with disabilities and University of North Alabama Therapeutic Recreation students to spend a week at Camp!