Doug Darr and the ADCNR

Recently the Camp ASCCA staff participated in an aquatic education training session. This training was provided by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Our two instructors were Doug Darr, pictured below, and Maurice Jackson.

Doug and Maurice taught the staff a variety of instructional games and activities. In the future, our environmental camps will benefit from this educational experience. Doug also taught us a few things about fishing and fish identification that we hope to pass on to our summer campers. While our fishing program has always been fun and relaxing, we hope to add a teaching element in the near future.

The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources offers a variety of services to the state. Their website is very useful in finding information about hunting, fishing, boating, state parks, and other outdoor adventure opportunities in the state of Alabama. You can also get information about licenses and even apply online or by phone.

The ADCNR has also posted coverage of the day’s activities. Follow this link to see their pictures.

Below is a video interview with Doug. In this brief clip, Doug talks about our day of educational training and what the ADCNR hopes to accomplish. The video is 3:34 in length and is a 5.8 mb download. You can also view photos from the day by clicking the link here or by clicking on Doug’s picture at the top of the page.

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