Eastmont Baptist Church visits Camp ASCCA

On Friday, May 26th, members from Eastmont Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, visited Camp for a tour and to complete a prayer walk across the entire campus. The group first received a tour from Camp Director Matt Rickman, and they gained a better understanding of all the things that we do here at ASCCA.

The students from Eastmont Baptist were excited to see all of the fun programs that we run here, and the group was especially intrigued by the chapel that sits above the waterslide. After the tour, the students and leaders trekked around the campus to pray safety and blessings over activity areas, cabins, and even the full-time staff’s individual offices.

Students tour panning for gold Eastmont group visits Chapel

Here at Camp ASCCA, we value the many groups and organizations that visit us and appreciate their care and support of everything we do. We would like to thank the Eastmont Baptist Church community for traveling all the way to Jacksons Gap to show their support through a heartfelt prayer walk, and we hope to see their smiling faces again soon!

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