Educating Our Staff

This week our ASCCA counselors have had the pleasure of listening to several presentations to further their knowledge about various disabilities they will encounter over the summer.

Today, we were honored to have a caring mother come and speak to us about Spina Bifida. She carefully explained the effects and results of a child born with Spina Bifida, and graciously shared stories about her own experiences and struggles with her son.

We were also privileged to have two ladies from AIDB, the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, join us this morning. They enlightened our staff on important protocol to use during camp; we were even able to learn a little sign language to help ease the barrier between the two languages.

These are just two of the many instructive sessions Camp ASCCA offers to our staff during orientation week. We are so thankful to have members of the community donate their time to help educate our staff, and therefore, better care for our campers.

To learn more about Spina Bifida follow this link:

To learn more about AIDB, follow this link:

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