Ending Session Six in Hollywood Fashion

Another week of Camp ASCCA went by and it was filled with Hollywood-type fun! The theme for this week was “Hollywood”, where evening activites were inspired by popular culture and celebrities. This was also the week where changes took place, starting with nature guru Adair taking over the demo farm for the rest of the summer and the zany Backwards Day on Tuesday. Meanwhile, this week was the last week for a lot of the staff members as they head back to their schools and jobs.

Though the whole week was exciting, four highlights from Hollywood week stood out from the rest. It started out with Movie Clue, where campers scrambled around camp and reenacted scenes from music videos and shows. And as mentioned eariler, Backwards Day was a crazy day for campers and staff members. For instance, they had breakfeast for dinner while they enjoyed PM activites in the morning. The talent show was also in the daytime instead of its usual timeslot in the evening.

Campers had a chance to be on the big screen during the Independent Film Festival on Wednesday Night. They packed the dining hall, watching themselves entertaining the masees with their theatrical talents.

But Camp ASCCA saved the best for last when campers, staff members and counselors dressed up like celebrites and partied Hollywood-style at the Thursday night dance. Everyone not only boogied to the music all night. They also said their good-byes and thanksgiving to each other, after watching an emontional slideshow at the end of that night.

For proof what what took place this week, you can watch the slideshow of the best pictures from Session Six. It’s also on Youtube.

Pictures from Session 6 are now up and ready for the world to see! Check them out on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr page.

T.J. Gordon
Session 6

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