Everyone Wins

On Monday night, cabins split into two different groups and half of them went to the pool party while the other half went to the Camp ASCCA Casino. Last night for evening program, the groups visited whatever they did not go to on Monday night. Chickasaw, Cherokee, Crow, and Redstick went to the pool, and Moundville, Creek, Choctaw, Cheaha, and Davis went to the Camp ASCCA Casino.

After a long hot day, there are two things that come to mind, being inside or being at the pool. Lucky enough, all of our campers got to do that. A pool party is a great time for the campers and their counselor to relax and cool off before bed time. While we have floats for some of our campers to relax, you often find campers and counselors having water wars between each other, playing basketball, or throwing the football. Last night there were a few campers who did not want to swim so instead they danced on the porch, and some played basketball in the gym. Last night, we even had one camper who was an honorary lifeguard that assisted lifeguard Phyllis throughout the entire party. No matter what they were doing last night at the pool, everyone had a smile on their face.

Who does not love a casual card game? Last night, the cabins who went to the casino got just that, a fun night filled with different games that you would find in any casino. Just like Monday, the slot machine is still the most popular game, with campers waiting patiently for their chance to play, but why? The slot machine is easily the best way to turn a couple of chips into a lot of chips, and more chips equals better prizes. As I walked around Casino Night, the campers and counselors seemed equally interested. I would hear consistent cheers of joy from the campers and counselors when a camper did well or played a good hand. Just like the pool party, there are some who did not want to participate. Well lucky enough the Braves were playing and playing well I must add. So at the end of the night, everyone wins, including the Braves.

To see pictures from last night’s pool party and casino night, check out our Flickr page. For more information about Camp ASCCA please visit our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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