At Camp ASCCA, rain won’t ruin our parade! Some inclement weather was moving towards camp this evening so what was supposed to have been a pool party turned into a cabin talent show! Campers were too excited about this talent show to be upset about the pool, especially because they will be visiting the pool throughout the week anyways.
Campers, counselors, program staff, and PR staff grouped up with their cabins and prepared an act to perform in front of the entire camp at the Dining Hall! Some cabins sang songs that went along with their cabin theme and others improvised with different songs or acted out skits.

Head counselors Sarah and Jay judged the competition based on cabin participation, creativity and enthusiasm! After all of the cabins performed, a tie was revealed! Two people from Chickasaw and Choctaw went head to head in a dance battle to determine a winner. The guys in Choctaw gave it their all but the girls in Chickasaw were victorious!

All participants and viewers had a great time! The talent show was followed by the famous “Good Night” song and then campers and counselors headed to the cabins for showers and bedtime! Be sure to check out our Flickr for more pictures of the suprise cabin talent show!
Camp ASCCA 2017
Karla Silva, PR
Session 3