Fall Family Weekend 2024

Enjoying the crisp fall weather, campers and families took in all the fun this weekend had to offer, from zipline, boat rides, scavenger hunts, and archery, to our very own Halloween party at the BcK4T! The excitement was high as friends and families reunited. We saw new friendships form and old ones rekindle, it was so special to hear all of the families attest to their yearly tradition of coming to this fall weekend together, and all of the relationships they have formed from this very weekend.

Campers and staff had such a blast celebrating the all fun of Halloween here with our ASCCA family. Everyone loved trick or treating around camp, and getting dressed up for the Halloween party. Seeing everyone in their fun costumes, laughing and dancing together was definitely a highlight. The happiness and smiles were infectious, it was the perfect reminder of how these simple moments create lasting memories.

It is such a joy to watch everyone experience the magic of Camp, taking this weekend to disconnect and enjoy the time we had here has reminded me just how amazing this place is! Fall Family Weekend has been nothing short of magical! Returning to Camp for this quick, but full weekend has left our cup overflowing! It is always a blessing when we get to spend time with some of the most amazing people, at a place as special as Camp ASCCA.

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