Last night, campers and their families arrived at Camp ASCCA for our annual Fall Family Weekend anticipating a time of ASCCA scares and memorable stories. The weekend began with campers reuniting in the cabins and talking about everything that had happened since they were together this summer.

Then everyone headed out for the haunted hayrides across the ASCCA campus with monsters, zombies, and even a scary rabbit pursuing them. Once the trips across Haunted ASCCA were complete, everyone headed to the cabins for the night.

A good night’s rest often leads to the best day, and many of our campers woke up this morning ready for anything and everything that they could take on. This weekend, our program rotations are made up of zip-line, fishing, arts & crafts, archery, and a trick-or-treat scavenger hunt. We’re only halfway through the weekend, and we’ve had campers conquering tasks like the zip-line that they did not think they could do just a few months ago and immediately wanting to do it again and again.

It has been a warm October day so far, but that has never stopped us from making the most of every activity and every piece of delicious/semi-melted Halloween candy that we find during the scavenger hunt.Coming up later today, we have a few free choice activities leading up to the costume contest and Halloween dance. Stay tuned for looks at this year’s best costumes and more!
You can check out some of our activities from this weekend here.