All staff participates in a thorough weeklong orientation training session prior to the summer that is conducted by Camp ASCCA staff, related professionals, previous campers, and veteran summer camp staff.
Yes, we offer Environmental Education day, overnight, and week- long camps for school groups no matter their ability level. Programs are fun, interesting, follow the Alabama Course of Study, and can be tailored for each group. Camp ASCCA sits on over 230 acres and leases another 650 acres of adjacent woodland on Lake Martin, making it the perfect place to learn more about the natural world and how to protect it. Contact Matt Rickman at (256) 825-9226 or
Contact Matt Rickman at (256) 825-9226 or and request a brochure or booklet on our programs and pricing options.
Please contact Matt Rickman at (256)825-9226 or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer or working at Camp ASCCA. The employment application for summer staff and Counselor-in-Training (CIT) positions are available online in the Summer Staff section of the website or to apply click here.
Yes. ACA accredits over 2,400 camps. ACA-Accredited® camps meet up to 300 standards for health, safety, and program quality. Please visit for more information on the American Camp Association.
Camp ASCCA seeks to serve all qualified individuals with disabilities who meet the essential eligibility requirements enumerated below.
These criteria are necessary to ensure not only the safety of participating campers but also their ability to receive the maximum benefits of the particular camp for which they have applied.
Camps are organized around a general group setting (summer camp) or a specialized (specialty) camp designed to meet the needs of a particular group. Camp ASCCA seeks to serve eligible campers in the most integrated setting possible.
All acceptances of applications are conditional. Specifically, Camp ASCCA reserves the right to accept or deny applications or defer admission on-site or prior to attendance should it later become aware that the initial application was flawed or the camper’s health has severely declined or upon demonstration that a camper does not meet the applicable eligibility criteria.
All deferrals or revocation of admission must be approved by the Camp Director. Essential Eligibility Requirements for Camp Admission (for general group setting) an eligible applicant must meet the following criteria:
Campers not eligible for summer camp may be eligible for appropriate specialty camps (i.e. family weekend camps.) At a minimum, they must meet eligibility criteria 1, 2, 5, and 6 above.
The emphasis for the camp’s programs is in meeting the needs of each camper and utilizing ability and capability to enable each camper’s participation to their fullest potential!
The philosophy of Camp ASCCA is to offer an exciting camp program geared to the age, interest, and ability of our campers. This involves learning new skills, making new friends, and participating in a variety of activities.
Activities include (but aren’t limited to) swimming, a waterslide, water skiing, tubing, an accessible water playground, canoeing, boating, fishing, arts and crafts, golf, miniature golf, nature appreciation, geocaching, horseback, bocce, riflery, and even high adventure activities such as climbing, the zip-line, and cargo net. In addition to all of this, there are evening programs that include campfires, dances, and talent shows.
Program areas include the demonstration farm, environmental center, adventure area, nature trail, ball field, horseback riding ring, golf driving range, rifle range, lakefront, modern filtered swimming pool, an all-weather pavilion, and much, much more!. All of this is on 230 beautiful wooded acres with 1.5 miles of Lake Martin shoreline.
The majority of our 60-65 summer staff are college or university students or recent graduates studying or working in areas relating to services for people with disabilities. This is an overall ratio of 1:2.
Most staff with direct responsibility are 18 years or older and are selected to work after a competitive interview process. Reference and criminal background checks are performed.
The actual cost to attend a one-week session (Sunday – Friday) of summer camp is $1,200. Any camper who registers can choose our Campership Rate of $800.
If you are an Alabama resident you can apply for additional financial assistance by choosing a “Hardship Campership.” Keep in mind that registration will begin in October, and you can set up payments for 12 months using a credit or debit card.
A $100 registration fee will be required when you fill out our online camper application. This fee is non-refundable once you have been “confirmed” for camp.
Upon request, limited financial support is available if your family cannot meet the Campership Rate of $800.00 for a one-week stay at Camp ASCCA. A limited number of full and partial camperships are available for Alabama residents only. Your honesty in paying what you can toward the fee will enable this fund to help others in need.
The regular camp fee is $1,200.00 for one week. This fee is based on the actual cost of operating the summer camp program. If you are eligible for a discounted fee or would like to request a full or partial campership, please indicate that you are in need of financial assistance and how much you are able to pay on your registration.
Most of Camp ASCCA’s financial information is available upon request. Please contact our Accountant or Administrator. (256) 825-9226
We hope that you plan to write your camper – a letter or card from home is always a welcome sight. The staff will be happy to assist campers in writing a letter when needed.
Please be sure to give your camper writing materials, stamps or several stamped post cards if you would like to receive a letter. Please let the counselor know you’ve done so as well.
You can email your camper at, and our staff will print and deliver messages daily. This ensures your message arrives on time!
Parents, relatives, and friends of the campers are welcome to visit and tour the facility on arrival and departure days only.
Camp provides daily afternoon snacks. Tee shirts may be purchased on check-in and check-out days.
A “recommended packing list” will be sent with your information packet upon confirmation of your summer camp session assignment. You can also click here to find the packing list.
Basic items include pillow, blanket, clothing, swimsuit, toiletry items, raincoat/poncho, sunscreen, flashlight, laundry bag, camera, and any special equipment, braces, wheelchairs, communication boards & other appliances or aids used by camper.
Located in Alabama on Lake Martin, Camp ASCCA offers campers a wide variety of traditional recreational and educational activities with a unique design for accessibility.
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