Farewell Blog (Kasey Langley)

At the end of summer 2013, I was not sure if I was going to be able to return to Camp ASCCA for another summer due to school work. Luckily, my adviser helped me coordinate everything so that I could return to camp for one more summer. I’m so glad I did.

Too often people don’t understand, but this is a magical place where hearts are touched and transformed every summer. Coming into my third summer at Camp ASCCA, I was not sure what to expect in my new role as a PR staff member. Each day I often found myself grinning from ear to ear behind the camera because there is a heartwarming feeling in capturing each precious moment that this place creates.

Looking from the perspective of a former counselor, I was captivated by each moment I was able to see at all the activities between campers and counselors and the lifelong bonds that have been created. The friendships made here cannot be found anywhere else. There will always be a sense of acceptance and unconditional love with every smile, handshake, and hug given.

The friendships I have made here will last forever. My PR family, Megan and Clayton, was more amazing than I ever imagined it being. I am so thankful for everyone that I had the opportunity to get to know this summer!

It has been an incredible summer, and I am so thankful to have been welcomed back to Camp ASCCA for another year. Sadly my summer at camp has come to an end, and I can honestly say that I am not ready to part from such an impacting place. I will never forget how this place and more importantly the people have changed my life. It’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon!

-Kasey Langley, PR Staff

Camp ASCCA 2014

Session Six

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