Farewell Camp ASCCA

My 3rd summer at Camp ASCCA has officially ended. Once again, it has been such an honor to be apart of a place so magical and loving as this.Through photography, writing, and filmmaking, I was able to share such wonderful little moments between campers and the staff with the outside world. Getting to capture such precious moments (whether funny, sad, or happy) is something I will always cherish.

There’s such a sense of awe working at ASCCA. Getting to document great young adults taking up the role as a guardian/friend for 1-3 campers each week is quite amazing. What’s even more amazing is that it never feels forced. Once you get to Session #7, you may think that previous campers may have been forgotten by their counselors. But no, I’d still hear stories of this one guy from Session #4, being told so vividly you could have sworn you just ran into him.

Speaking on my work output, this is the most satisfied I’ve ever felt about my camp work. So many great photos taken, a lot of great articles written, but the most important to me were my videos. As a filmmaker, I find it cringe worthy to go through my catalogue of older films. My previous summers videos have just never stuck with me. I always felt I could have done Camp ASCCA better in video form. This summer, I did just that. All 17 videos I produced had the much care/attention given to them, and I’m proud of every single one.

The video I’m most proud of was “A Day At Camp”, my short documentary on counselor JJ (who I want to thank very much for being a great subject). This was a video I’ve always wanted to produce. Once I released it, I received great responses from not only the current staff, but even from older staff members. It’s a feeling I won’t ever forget, and I’m glad I finally got to produce it.

It has been a fantastic summer at Camp ASCCA. Once again, I’m grateful to have been welcomed back for another year. Thank you all for following me throughout this once in a lifetime experience.

– Clayton Smith, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Session #7

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