Farewell, Camp ASCCA

With this blog, I leave you with my final thoughts surrounding my first summer at Camp ASCCA.

If you’ve followed along, you’ve had your fair share of my spills about accomplishment, love, and experience. So though this may be repetitive, they are on my heart and I want to share them with you.

Camp ASCCA is like no place I’ve ever been. It is a place of acceptance, accessibility, love, and involvement. It welcomes everyone with open arms despite differences seen with the naked eye.

It welcomes with a heart wide open, a heart of warmth and strength. It brings you in, teaches you, and sends you back into the world stronger than before.

I know this feeling, not only from personal experience, but from my campers. So many times this summer I’ve heard campers say, “This place is home to me.” Not like home – home.

For many this is the only place they can come to for full acceptance. The only place they can come and be “just like everyone else.”

But what I’ve learned this summer is people with disabilities are no different than I. In fact, at times, I have been envious of characteristics they exude: Strength. Courage. Innocence. Joy. Beauty.
These are not people to be pitied; they are to be celebrated!

I have thanked God everyday for my time at Camp ASCCA. It has changed my life both now and forever. I will be eternally grateful for the friendships, knowledge, and experience I have gained this summer.

I hope my life will lead me back the ASCCA in the future. I will not be the same without it.

Thank you for sharing this experience with me. It has been an honor.

-Lyndsie McClure
Session Seven

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