Time truly flies when you’re having the time of your life!. This summer flew by quickly, but it was an absolute blast! Since my first summer back in 2013, I’ve eagerly awaited to return each year. Just when I thought ASCCA couldn’t get any better, there’s always something new waiting to be discovered!
As a filmmaker, I’m always learning new techniques and getting new equipment. It’s exciting to come back to camp and try out all these new tricks. I’ve put so much effort into all of my videos this summer, and it paid off! I got to produce my weekly series of Counselor and Camper videos I’ve always wanted to make. I topped “This Is Home” and made my biggest video to date with “ASCCApalooza”. I’m currently working on a series of ASCCA commercials that will be promoted through social media. On top of that, I was still able to take pictures too!

A goal of mine this summer was to become more engaged with the campers and the activities. I didn’t want to just stand in the corner and take pictures from afar. I wanted to get up close, learn a little about every single camper, and join the fun! By doing this, I’ve never felt more close to ASCCA than this summer! So many new friends were made and I’m forever grateful to know them.

Major props to this amazing staff. Throughout my five years of working here, I’ve never worked with a staff more energetic, focused, and loving than this group. Everyone on board (whether new or returning) brought their A-game to their roles and each person made this summer even more unforgettable. They are the faces of Camp ASCCA, and it has been an honor to document their experience.
This especially applies to my fellow PR staff members. All of my partners are some of the nicest, hardworking, and funniest people I’ve ever met. I’m so happy to have met Karla & Jasmine and I’m thrilled to have been able to work with Kasey & April again! Major kudos to Kasey (my boss!) for being the best team leader we could ask for. She pushed all of us to think outside the box and always have each other’s back. this paid off as we all produced some of the best content for the campsite. I’m excited to see where they will go in the future!

Working at Camp ASCCA has changed not just my life, but everyone involved. Every staff member I’ve talked to has nothing but praise about this campsite. The people and mission of ASCCA are things that will stick with me for the rest of my life. I cannot thank them enough for everything they’ve done for me.

– Clayton Smith, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017