Farm Animals 2014

They’re heeeeere (and some are baaaaaack!)

Please meet a few of the farm animals that have arrived for Camp ASCCA’s summer 2014. We have many great friends, who by lending us their beloved animals, help make the many campers with disabilities we serve very happy!

The chickens, goats, and rabbits are loaned from the Dean & Anita Adcock and Calvin & Danielle Williams families. Check out baby goat Ying Yang who is 4 weeks old. He gets his name for his black and white horns! Lonesome Sue (the baby’s mom), Midnight, and Sant are returning goats this year. New visitors include Celeste, Princess and one yet-to-be-named young goat.

The chicks we have are between one and three weeks old at this time. It will be fun to watch them grow this summer. And we also have three rabbits to pet and care for as well. We can’t wait for the campers who visit to interact with all of these animals.

Over in the pastures, we have Lexie, a 12 year old mare loaned to us by Holly Brown from H&G Stables in Auburn.

And last, but not least, we have the two donkeys returning from last year. Shorty and Lizzie, loaned by Melinda Poole of Alexander City, will surely provide hours of entertainment to all!

To see a few more pictures of the farm animals, visit our Flickr Page here. To find out more about Camp ASCCA farm program and environmental education, please contact Lyle Coutts at

…and special thanks to one of the “camp kids” for helping to show off the animals!

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