Favorite Activities for Adult Campers

With the second full day of Session 5 over with, I would like to take a look back on some of yesterday’s activities. This week is a little different than last week because the age of the average camper is older than the age of our campers last week. With different age groups coming to Camp throughout the summer, it is important for the Camp ASCCA full time staff to schedule activities that are fit for these age groups.

Yesterday, I had the chance to visit our fishing pond which is ran by Fishing Director Lane. Fishing is one of the most popular activities during our adult weeks here at Camp. Even though it is hot out by our pond, our adult campers still love to go fishing. Along with fishing, I had the chance to play some putt putt and bocce ball with some of the campers and their counselors. Bocce ball and putt putt is a big hit with the group from Mobile Rotary, so we always make sure to include those two activities during this week.

During adult week, the arts, which includes music and arts & crafts is always a popular option. Nothing is more fun than getting on stage and singing with some of your Camp friends. Yesterday, when I went to visit the arts, which is ran by Arts & Crafts Director Alyssa, they were making coasters. A lot of our adult campers enjoy drinking coffee, tea, and hot chocolate when at home, so the coasters they made are going to be useful when they get back.

Yesterday was a fun day and I am glad I got to experience some of the more popular activities that Camp ASCCA has to offer to our adult campers. To see pictures from yesterday activities visit our Flickr page. Be sure to check us out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all news about Camp ASCCA.

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