Feelin’ the Love at Camp ASCCA

In the dining hall at Camp ASCCA, there is a special box that all the campers know about very well. It is a colorful box adorned with hearts and the words “Feelin’ the Love.” Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is a box for love letters. Rumor has it that this box was made of actual love letters by a former program staff member. *Awww

Every session here at camp, campers boldly declare their hopes and adoration in sweetly worded letters that are read aloud after breakfast and dinner. Campers have the opportunity to ask the apple of their eye to a Camp ASCCA dance and other special events that are held throughout the week. The individual to whom the letter is addressed is asked to stand while the letter is being read and provide a response to the request.

During Session 1 2015, many campers have been spotted crafting their love letters for the upcoming Independence Day celebration that you will hear more about this evening. We also anticipate an increasing amount of letters concerning a certain dance that will be held tomorrow evening!

Stay tuned to Camp ASCCA’s Flickr to see photos of these events.

Lauren Schifano, PR

Session 1: 2015


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