First Dance of the Summer

Camp ASCCA Session 1 2015 could not end without everyone’s favorite event…the DANCE!!

Campers, counselors, and program staff danced their socks off after this evening’s award ceremony. Campers whipped, nay nayed, did the conga, and slow danced with that special someone. Everyone looked absolutely smashing in their finest dance clothes!

There is something very special about a Camp ASCCA dance… a certain aura about it. The excitement exuded from campers about the dance starts when the week begins. Campers plan what they will wear, but more importantly, who they will ask to dance with them! Letters to their camp crushes start going out from day one. The energy that is built up from a week of anticipation creates a perfectly unforgettable finale to an already great week.

Check out more photos from the dance on Flickr.

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 1: 2015

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