Flint Hill United Methodist Church

One of the many benefits of my job with Camp ASCCA is that I get to meet people from all over the state and over time, I get to know them. That has been my experience with the members of Flint Hill United Methodist Church in Alexander City. I have had the pleasure of speaking for their congrregation and for their ladies group several times.

On August 25th, I was able to visit again and speak on behalf of Camp. The Flint Hill ladies always extend a very kind greeting and are genuinely excited to hear my updates! These ladies have also contributed to the campership fund. So, I was glad to have the opportunity to thank them. I always enjoy my time at Flint Hill!

If your church, school, civic/service club or group would be interested in scheduling me as a speaker please email: allison@campascca.org

Allison Wetherbee
Director of Community Relations
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