Hey counselors and friends, I’m sad Mobile Rotary is no longer a thing, but I’ll reminisce on the memories.
In the past, Ms. Chara Brown would handle all the paperwork for Mobile Rotary. She would make name tags and it included our bus number on it. Mobile Rotary went on for 35 years.
On Sunday mornings, we would go to Goodwill Gulf Coast and get checked in for Camp ASCCA. Once we were ready to load the threes charter buses, the campers in wheelchairs are loaded and unloaded first, and then everyone else. The drive from Goodwill Gulf Coast to Camp ASCCA is about 4 ½ hours. On the bus, we watched movies, and I listened to Soft Rock 94.1 WMEZ Pensacola www.softrock941.com and Mix 103.3 WMXS Montgomery www.mix103.com.
Another favorite moment from Mobile Rotary is when camper Freddie played his favorite songs on a harmonica. Mobile Rotary has the longest talent show in ASCCA history. In 2018 the talent show lasted four hours. I miss riding the charter buses with my camp friends like Robin, John, Melissa, Matthew, Ryan, Michelle, and others.
Now when we come to Camp ASCCA, our parents drive us. Check-in starts at 2 P.M. on Sundays. If you get here too early you have to wait until it’s check-in time. Last year my check-in was delayed because of thunder and rain.
I also met new friends last summer like, Shaun, Sarah, Gatlin, Nikki, and more. I am looking forward to next summer and all the Camp activities that they will have planned for us.